Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Big Campus

                My Big Campus is a free online tool that any educator can sign up for and benefit from. This online classroom can be accessed from your laptop, computer, phone or any other technological device so that learning can be extended beyond the classroom. This website is 100% safe from pop-ups and ads, and also lets parents go on and monitor the progress of their students.
               The website has many features that are great for classrooms. For example, there is a profile section where students come up with a profile and talk about themselves so the other students in the class can get to know them better. There is also a Library section where students can look up scholarly articles that they can use for things such as research papers. Educators can use the Groups function to put their classes onto one page, and can even be used for sports teams and clubs.

This website helps you create a virtual classroom where students can interact with each other and you as an educator. Teachers can create tests and quizzes and the students have to take it on the website. They can see their results right away and the website keeps track of their progress. Also, you can see where the students did well and need improvement, which helps you focus on all your students’ needs.

Many educators and students have already started using My Big Campus, and for very good reason. This website is great for all students, and helps them get a more interesting and exciting education. Most of the students who have started using this website really enjoy it, and it is definitely a great tool to have in your classroom.


  1. This sounds like a great tool to use in the classroom and for students to access when they are not in school. If students were home sick they can access the virtual classroom and see what they missed. Also parents can access their child's work and see if they are actually keeping their work up to date. You also said that parents and students can check their grades, this is a great way to keep track of their progress in your class.

  2. Kaitlyn, my Big Campus sounds like an interesting idea. However, I am still not sure I really understand what it is from your post. I also would have liked a better explanation on why this technology would be beneficial in the classroom. I don't see that it does anything that other technologies don't already do. I do like the classroom idea, though, as students would be able to treat this almost like an online class, and would thus be able to stay informed despite missing a class. This seems like it would be a great tool in schools that don't already have their own database where teachers post grades and assignments. I do like how it has a research feature, as I believe this is an important part of an English classroom.

  3. I have never heard of this program but I really think it is a great way to get students involved. I especially like that the students can access it from anywhere. This would allow students to check the site and see what work they possibly missed if they were home sick from school. I also like that the students and parents will have easy access to their grades. I think it is a great tool for the classroom.
