Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dropbox In a Classroom

Dropbox is such a great tool to have in any classroom, not just English. You create a username and password, and you can access any documents in your computer from anywhere, only if you have Wi-Fi. However, you can ask your class to join and you get more memory, and the students get to put documents up and see all of yours. This way, if they are not in class one day, they can just put the file in Dropbox without being there. That makes it so much easier for everyone, not just the student. Also, you can create different folders, so you can have a folder for every class. This is such an easy way to share files with your class. Also, if it is summer break and you know who your students are, you can add them to Dropbox and send them things like summer reading information. Whenever a file is added to Dropbox, your computer alerts you, so they always know when something is being added. This also makes group work so much easier; instead of having to meet up, students can just create a folder in Dropbox and put everything there. This program is such an amazing tool; you can transfer music, pictures and PowerPoints, so your students can never say that their email wasn’t working. Being able to access Dropbox from anywhere makes everything so much easier, and every teacher should have it in their classroom.


  1. Wow, we think alike. I too wrote about Dropbox, however, I wrote from the perspective of how it limits paper use and can be used as an organizational tool. But what you bring up is great too, I forgot about how students can work on a "living" document, if you will, where the document can be edited or added to by several people. That can be a great tool for hosting discussions on reading assignments, where students can feed and build off each other.

    Thanks for the extra insight. Good job.

  2. This is a great resource for project submissions too! No more lost memory cards, CD's, or forgotten emails. Just upload the document to the class dropbox and be done. I definitely plan on using this in my music classrooms especially if I work in a computer lab that requires students to save documents.
